ლგბტ დისკრიმინაციის წინააღმდეგ მოკლემეტრაჟიანი ფილმი - გადაარჩინე სიცოცხლე

თებერვალი 3, 2014

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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  • Embed ძველი ვერსია

This is a short film that I had to create for a class project. It is a film about Gay Teen Suicides an extremely important and serious issue in our society today. What I wanted to do with this film was bring light to the epidemic of teen bullying and show how it really affects people. Bullying of all kind is an extremely serious issue and awareness must be raised.

I do not own the rights to the songs used in this film.
1. The first song is from the soundtrack of the film "Across the Univ

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